Low and behold I went upstairs to find beautiful music playing out of our room. Mark was just practicing but he was nice enough to let me take pictures of him. The guitar was beautiful. Thanks Mark!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Finally, I didn't really believe this day would come. This week Rhyden celebrates his 18 month birthday. Oh my gosh, as a parent this is huge. I know it is numbers in months...but so huge all the same. He walks, he talks. He says words like "pub" (means tub), and "noo-noos" (means noodles), and "bb's" (means blueberries). Altogether he is becoming a little person, and he is so much fun. Mark and I were talking about the wedding today, and I think he will be a lot of fun to have in the wedding. Happy 18 months Rhyden!